Commercial & Residential Services
Commercial and Residential Waste Services
LeMay Grays Harbor is proud to provide collections, transfer and recycling services to residential and commercial customers in the Grays Harbor County area (excluding refuse service in City of Hoquiam) and Tokeland.
Commercial Services
LeMay Grays Harbor commercial waste collection provides your business with a range of containers and service schedules for your garbage pickup needs.
Residential Services
LeMay Grays Harbor offers convenient pickup times and reliable service. Residential recycling is available wherever we offer garbage pickup.
Transfer Station Services
LeMay Grays Harbor offers transfer and recycling services for residents and commercial customers in the Grays Harbor County area.
We Are Dedicated to Make a Cleaner and Healthier World.
Sustainability efforts are integral to our business, driven by an intentional focus and investments that are consistent with our objective of long-term value creation and part of who we are.